Why Choose Us?

You own your property. 
We'll handle the rest.



Property management is daunting, let us handle it.

  1. We handle maintenance and emergency repairs, allowing you to sleep at night.
  2. We enforce collection of rents and serve the proper notices upon failure to pay.
  3. We understand and apply the correct federal, state, and local laws, keeping you and your investment out of trouble.
Contact us
We take the headache out of maintenance.
We keep you informed of legal changes with the state authorities.
We've kept on property owners for over 34 years. Relationships matter to us.


Advertising takes knowing your context. We handle that too!

We know the local market. We have an extensive network of contacts and have advertising resources available to us at discounted rates. This allows us to effectively market your vacant home to prospective residents to get it filled.

After you add up the discounts you’ll receive on advertising, the company rate for repairs, and the increased rate we often command, you'll often make more money than if you managed the property yourself!


You'll never be guessing about your investments.

Yes, we will provide you with a monthly report of rent and other income received as well as maintenance, repairs, and other expenses incurred. We have several options in which you may choose to receive your monthly statement that also includes the year-to-date figures. If you have questions regarding your statement, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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